Cake for Charity
Cake for Charity, is our way of contributing to Knæk Cancer. That’s why we’re inviting everyone to join us for some coffee and boobie cupcakes, all while supporting cancer research. Every cup and bite counts! So, grab a cupcake, scan the QR code, and donate any amount you wish
300,00 Kr.
Doneret ud af et mål på 2.000,00 Kr.
Om indsamlingen
October is the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. That is why we encourage you to donate to our fundraiser for Cancerfonden in exchange for a boobie cupcake!
Donationer og kommentarer
Knæk Cancer
Indsamlinger og aktiviteter fra personer som dig spiller en stor rolle i Knæk Cancer. Din indsats betyder, at budskabet om 'Knæk Cancer' bliver spredt og at forskerne får flere midler til at udvikle behandling til kræftramte.