CSIS Security Group - Colleagues against cancer
Employees at CSIS Security Group initiated their own collection to support this cause that is close to our hearts.
4.711,00 Kr.
Doneret ud af et mål på 11.111,00 Kr.
Om indsamlingen
The employee collection supplements our company sponsorship of 111.111 DKK.
Our employees aim at collecting 11.111 DKK!
Cancer has unfortunately affected most of us - either in our private life or in a work context. We want to make a difference and contribute to the fight against cancer.
CSIS employees fight cyber criminals on a daily basis and we are warriors. We now engage in this battle, by reaching out to our respective networks and asking for your contributions.
Donationer og kommentarer
Knæk Cancer
Indsamlinger og aktiviteter fra personer som dig spiller en stor rolle i Knæk Cancer. Din indsats betyder, at budskabet om 'Knæk Cancer' bliver spredt og at forskerne får flere midler til at udvikle behandling til kræftramte.