DHL Express - Colleagues from Copenhagen Hub
Cancer Awareness is as part of our corporate social responsibility and commitment to making a positive impact in the communities, on our colleges and loved ones. We aim to raise awareness about cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment, as well as support those affected by the disease.
71,10 Kr.
Doneret ud af et mål på 15.000,00 Kr.
Om indsamlingen
Our involvement aligns with DHL's values and dedication to promoting health, well-being, and social causes. We strives to contribute to the fight against cancer and make a difference in the lives of individuals.
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Knæk Cancer
Indsamlinger og aktiviteter fra personer som dig spiller en stor rolle i Knæk Cancer. Din indsats betyder, at budskabet om 'Knæk Cancer' bliver spredt og at forskerne får flere midler til at udvikle behandling til kræftramte.