Indsamling oprettet af: Casper Kunstmann

Movember Run For Cancer Awarenes

I will run 60 km in the cold dark month of "Movember" to create awarenes of cancers prevalent in men and help collect money for preventive research.
8.350,00 Kr.
Doneret ud af et mål på 10.000,00 Kr.
8.550,00 Kr.
Totalt indsamlet med tidligere indsamlinger

Om indsamlingen

In 2008 my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had just finished university and was moving back home to start my PhD. We found out just before Christmas and he started treatment already in the spring. By summer he was finished and by autumn he was declared all clear again. He is still well 15 years later. It was a crazy and emotional year, but throughout it all the help and treatment he got was brilliant. The tireless effort by researchers and medical professionals, and the support they get from Cancer DK, is what made this quick and magnificent turn-around possible.

Det går aktiviteten ud på

I try and run 5 km a few times a week, but looking at the last few months, I only average around 20km. So for this activity I've picked a nice even number, 60 kilometers, to run in a month. A good excuse to get in shape in time for Christmas!

Follow my progress here:

Praktisk information

Start dato
Slut dato

Donationer og kommentarer

Mobilepay donation
30.11.2023 - 15:28
250,00 Kr.
Movember Run For Cancer Awarenes har svaret
Mange tak, hver krone tæller! :)
Mobilepay donation
30.11.2023 - 08:09
100,00 Kr.
Movember Run For Cancer Awarenes har svaret
Tusind tak for donationen!
Mobilepay donation
22.11.2023 - 21:20
500,00 Kr.
Movember Run For Cancer Awarenes har svaret
Mange tak, jeres støtte betyder rigtig meget!
Anonym har støttet med
03.11.2023 - 21:34
7.500,00 Kr.
Run forrest, run!
Movember Run For Cancer Awarenes har svaret
Wow! Tusind tak, det betyder virkelig meget for mig! Jeg løber en tur med det samme :)

Knæk Cancer

Indsamlinger og aktiviteter fra personer som dig spiller en stor rolle i Knæk Cancer. Din indsats betyder, at budskabet om 'Knæk Cancer' bliver spredt og at forskerne får flere midler til at udvikle behandling til kræftramte.

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