Indsamling oprettet af: Sophia Delff Berner

NNE - Employee Donation Fund

NNE is proud to support Knæk Cancer in the fight against cancer. Join us in raising funds for those impacted by this disease. Every contribution makes a difference.
700,00 Kr.
Doneret ud af et mål på 0,00 Kr.
Støt med MobilePay
Støt med MobilePay

Doner et valgfrit beløb på Mobilepay nummer 878757.

Husk at der skal stå KC302236 i kommentarfeltet.

Der må ikke stå andet end koden i kommentarfeltet, ellers vil beløbet ikke komme ind på indsamlingen, men dog stadig gå til Knæk Cancer

Eller scan QR koden med dit kamera eller direkte fra MobilePay på din mobiltelefon og donér et valgfrit beløb.

qr kode
Støt med kort

Om indsamlingen

At NNE, we understand that cancer impacts the personal lives of many — our employees, their families, friends, and colleagues. Therefore, we are dedicated to taking action and making a meaningful difference. By supporting Knæk Cancer, we contribute to the vital efforts of this noble cause, working to save lives and improve the future for those affected.

Det går aktiviteten ud på

Join Our Fundraising Activities!

In week 43, you have the opportunity to contribute to the Knæk Cancer collection through various activities:

- Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday: When you buy a piece of cake or a juice at Café Vix, your payment will be donated to Knæk Cancer.

- Wednesday: We will offer afternoon “cream puffs”, with a cart going around our offices in VIX and GE (KA), where your payment will be donated to Knæk Cancer.

- Friday: At the Friday bar, you can support the collection by buying a beer. Scan the QR code and pay whatever amount you think your beer is worth.

We hope to see many of you participate in these activities and support this good cause.

Praktisk information

Start dato
Slut dato
Bredevej 2

Donationer og kommentarer

Bemærk at donationer via kort og Mobilepay kan tage et par minutter før de kan ses herunder.
Skriv kommentar
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 14:48
20,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 14:23
25,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 13:53
20,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 13:49
20,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 13:47
20,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 13:46
30,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 13:35
50,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 13:04
25,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 10:29
90,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 08:20
50,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 08:02
100,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 07:56
100,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
21.10.2024 - 07:27
100,00 Kr.
Mobilepay donation
17.10.2024 - 09:12
50,00 Kr.

Knæk Cancer

Indsamlinger og aktiviteter fra personer som dig spiller en stor rolle i Knæk Cancer. Din indsats betyder, at budskabet om 'Knæk Cancer' bliver spredt og at forskerne får flere midler til at udvikle behandling til kræftramte.

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